
Start Over Again...

It's is the time to start over again~
Back to school!!~^^

Got happy also got sadness,
which is my best friend Chern Yang was going to Australia soon,
Can't even see him soon,
can't play with him,
can't hangout with him,
can't face to face chatting with him,

By the way,
still hope him all the best at there,
get a good results,
and faster come back M'sia to meet all of us~
Don't forget open MSN when you at there!!
I think I will be not used to about this a long time when you are not here,
but I will learn to be independence in this 3 years xD
Knew more friends and when you come back show off to you =P

In a few days, all the people besides me seems keep talking about M'sia,
in my opinion, I think whether M is going to bankrupt or not,
that will be 10++ more years to go,
so,why getting so nervous about it??
Just live with happiness everyday and wait for the future,
cuz we can't do anything to change the fate right??
So just live the life on your own~all dudes ^^

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